Leicestershire and Rutland
Cyclists' Touring Club

(founded 1897)

Cyclenation and Campaign Groups

https://leicesterccg.wordpress.com/ Leicester Cycling Campaign Group

http://www.derbycyclinggroup.org.uk Derby Cycling Group

http://www.pedals.org.uk Nottingham Pedals Cycle Campaign

http://www.lcc.org.uk/ The London Cycle Campaign

http://www.roadpeace.org/ Roadpeace - campaigns on the behalf of road accident victims and their families.

Warrington Cycle Campaign has now indexed its much-famed "Facility of the Month2 pages.

Cambridge Cycling Campaign - excellent website containing a variety of cycling resources and good practice guides, as well as an online mapping system.



https://www.cyclinguk.org/ Cycling UK (or CTC (Cyclists Touring Club) - comprehensive site covering both touring and campaigning

http://www.ctclr.org.uk Leicestershire and Rutland Cyclists Touring Club with local news and events.

http://www.leicesterspokes.org.uk This is the Leicester Spokes Home Page

Nottingham District Association of the Cyclists Touring Club

The Leicestershire Road Club is arguably the largest and most active club in Leicestershire and aims to encourage all forms of cycling irrespective of age, sex, race or ability.

British Cycling (or British Cycling Federation) - is the internationally recognised governing body of cycle sport in the UK. If you're into - Road, Track, Mountain Bike, BMX and Cycle Speedway - this is the site for you!

The British Schools Cycling Association aim to increase the number of active cyclists amongst young people of school age and to offer them a wide range of educational experiences in the enjoyment of cycling.

http://www.lifecycleuk.org.uk Life Cycle UK is a unique charity that helps people take up cycling putting the emphasis on the health benefits.

http://www.re-cycle.org/ Many bikes are thrown away or lie rusting in garages in the UK, while people in Less Developed Countries are without transport apart from their feet. Walking can take up to 4 hours per day (e.g. collecting water, walking to field or town), lowering work / productive time. Re~Cycle’s mission is to collect and ship second hand bicycles and parts to LDCs. They teach local people the skills of how to repair and maintain them, to improve their lives in a sustainable manner.

http://www.ecf.com/ European Cyclists Federation

http://www.rsf.org.uk Rough Stuff Fellowship - these folks have been "Mountain" riding since long before the Mountain Bike became fashionable.

http://www.sustrans.org.uk/ Sustrans is the charity behind practical and innovative solutions to some of the UK's biggest transport challenges, including the award-winning National Cycle Network, Safe Routes to Schools, Bike It and TravelSmart.

The Bicycle Association - Voice of the cycle industry.

http://www.thenationalbyway.org The National Byway Ltd. is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, created specifically to develop and sustain The National Byway. This is a 3,500 mile (5,632km) signposted leisure cycle route round Britain on some of the most attractive and lightly-trafficked of existing rural lanes. These provide safe and easily followed routes for cycling, enhanced by over 1,000 places of interest and historic sites along the way.

The Tandem Club was formed in the UK in 1971 primarily to provide otherwise unobtainable spare parts and technical advice on how to maintain the older machines. This is still an important function but since then the Club has developed along with the increased interest in tandems, extending the range of services and benefits it offers to its members, and currently the Club has a world wide membership of over 5,000 members.

http://www.youngtransnet.org.uk Young TransNet uses IT and the Internet to assist children and young people in transport research and action. The long term aim of Young TransNet is to increase walking, cycling and the use of public transport, and to reduce motor traffic.



http://www.cyclehelmets.org seeks to collate the wider picture about cycle helmets, their effect on cyclist safety, cycle use and public health generally. In particular, it is intended to counter-balance the more restricted information from sources concerned only with helmet promotion.

http://www.cyclecraft.co.uk/ John Franklin's Cycling Home Page - probably the UK's foremost expert on cycling techniques.

http://www.johnforester.com/ John Forester, M.S., P.E. - Cycling Transportation Engineer. A different approach to Bicycle Advocacy.

http://www.sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html Detailed advice on bicycle wheel building from Sheldon Brown.

The Brompton Folding Bicycle.

http://www.atob.org.uk/ Bike carriage information for National Rail, plus tram and ferry operators in UK. Site also has comprehensive list of folding bikes.

http:/www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/manualforstreets Guidance for practitioners involved in the planning, design, provision and approval of new residential streets, and modifications to existing ones. It aims to increase the quality of life through good design that creates more people-orientated streets. Whilst cycling may not have been as integrated into the advice as we might have liked, there are many encouraging aspects to this guidance, including designing for low speeds, an emphasis on accommodating cyclists on the road and permeability of developments by cycles.

7 speed Shimano Nexus Hub Gear.Page setting out details on how to remove and replace a rear wheel with a 7 speed Shimano Nexus Hub Gear.

Places To Cycle In Leicestershire and Rutland

Back issues of the CTC magazine.

Tea shops within cycling range of Loughborough


Specialist Suppliers of Bicycles and Accessories

www.FixMyBike.biz Fix My Bike are a cycle shop based in Leicester selling new & used cycles, Cyclescheme, spares and repairs. A mobile repair service is also available to customers throughout Leicestershire.

http://www.longstaffcycles.com Longstaffs have been building custom cycle frames for the last 20 years. The Company has gained an enviable reputation amongst cycling aficionados and other frame builders alike for its quality and service.

Their specialist trikes and tandems attract admiration wherever they are seen and this skilled team will build any type of machine for any purpose from leisure to competition, from road to mountain.

http://www.sjscycles.com/ St John Street Cycles is a mail-order and retail bicycle shop specialising in touring bicycles, audax bicycles, folding bicycles, tandems and triplets. Bicycles stocked include the very highly acclaimed range of Thorn Rohloff hub gear equipped cycles, Thorn 26" touring cycles, Thorn Audax cycles, Thorn tandems and triplets. They also keep folding cycles from Moulton and Brompton and always have in excess of 1000 bikes in stock. They sell a huge range of components, accessories, clothes, trailers and trailerbikes worldwide.

http://www.islabikes.co.uk/ Isla Rowntree has put her years of cycle design experience and practical cycling knowledge together to produce a range of exclusive bikes for children. She has located suitable small components, and where they have not been available has had them made. All the bikes have child specific frame geometry and a full set of proportional components, including brakes that can be operated safely with small hands. Gear ratios are carefully selected to suit the age of the child. Each bike can be customised at the point of purchase with tyres that exactly suit the intended use - you can also have a set of full mudguards and a carrier. In this way each bike can be used for mountain biking and cyclo cross, as a track racing machine, for going to school, touring holidays or days out exploring with the family.

http://www.merciancycles.com/ Mercian Cycles have been hand building frames in Derby for over 50 years and their standards for accuracy in building and the finest finishes available are known by enthusiasts throughout the world. If you want a made to measure bicycle or a respray for a much loved frame then this company is one of the best in the country and the nearest to Loughborough. It also stocks just about everything you could want for a bicycle and a wide range of cycle clothing.

https://www.brompton.com/ "The brainchild of engineer Andrew Ritchie... every part of this most compactly folding bicycle is designed and put together with meticulous attention to detail" - CYCLE TOURING & CAMPAIGNING

http://www.pashley.co.uk The Pashley collection of cycles is unique. You will not find anywhere else such a varied and original range of cycles. The Pashley Classic range consists of traditional English roadster bicycles together with more contemporary models. Also the delightful Pickle children's tricycle and the Picador and Tri-1 adult tricycle. Pashley Special Products encompass the Muni unicycle, the PDQ recumbent and the a Micro folding bicycle. Also the Fold-It (a tandem) and the tube rider, a beach cruiser. Pashley WorkBikes provide transport solutions for industrial and commercial users. Pashley has specialised in WorkBikes since the early 1930s and today offers a range of modern cycles, including the Pronto multi-purpose delivery cycle (also known as the Royal Mail 'MailStar'), in addition to the heritage models.

Bikefix have a shop, London, near St. Pancras station - they specialise in recumbent bicycles and tricycles, folders, utility and load carrying bicycles.

http://www.carradice.co.uk/ Carradice have been hand crafting quality cycle luggage for over 60 years in their factory in Lancashire, England specialising in cotton duck and cordura fabrics.

http://www.reflectalite.com/ This is where you can go to find the most obscure light bulb requirements imaginable.

Brooks Saddles If you are prepared to break them in these saddles, handcrafted by Brooks for more than 130 years in leather, are probably the most comfortable on the market. They are very durable and need little care. Leather breathes, helping to prevent uncomfortable chafing or sticking and eliminates heat. You need to choose the correct model and this site gives advice on this and how to break the saddle in.

www.cycle-heaven.co.uk Cycle Heaven of York are importers of the legendary Dutch brand Gazelle. Gazelle are the most famous, and one of the longest established manufacturers in the Netherlands where they are known as the "Mercedes Benz of bikes." Dutch bikes embody a philosophy of unified and integrated design so every part of the bike looks like it was meant to be there, giving them an elegant and streamlined look. You will also see evidence of this Dutch cycling philosophy etched into all the details of the bike, such as the rotary bell. Everything is aimed at enhancement of ergonomics and convenience.

https://www.cycle-sos.co.uk Cycle SOS operates the Cyclists National Helpline established in 1988. In the event of an accident, Cycle-Aid solicitors pursue injury and uninsured loss claims on a full funded, no win, no fee basis. The claimant receives 100% of their damages.

Practical Cycles Specialists in cargo bikes and building wheels with hub gears.

http://www.cycletouringsupplies.co.uk - Local Cycle Jumbles and other cycle related things.


Our Opponents

http://www.abd.org.uk/ The Association of British Drivers (ABD) was founded in 1992 by a group of drivers from all walks of life and from all parts of the UK "to counter the rising tide of irrational anti-car propaganda and regulations"


Less serious stuff

www.lovetoride.net/global/stories Cycling stories

www.cycleofgood.com/ Collect old inner tubes for recycling.


Maps and mapping.

http://maps.google.co.uk/maps Google Maps is a web mapping service application provided by Google, free (for non-commercial use). It offers street maps, a route planner for traveling by foot, bicycle, car, or public transport and an urban business locator for numerous countries around the world. It also can help find the location of businesses.

http://www.opencyclemap.org is based on data from the OpenStreetMap project. At low zoom levels it is intended for overviews of the National Cycle Network; at higher zoom levels it should help with planning which streets to cycle on, where you can park your bike and so on.

http://www.openstreetmap.org OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project to create a free editable map of the world. The maps are created using data from portable GPS devices, aerial photography, other free sources or simply from local knowledge.

http://www.cyclestreets.net CycleStreets is a UK-wide cycle journey planner system, which lets you plan routes from A to B by bike. It is designed by cyclists, for cyclists, and caters for the needs of less both confident and less confident cyclists. It is still under construction and needs volunteer helpers and funding.

Facebook National Map of Cafes for Cyclists

http://www.parkthatbike.info Parkthatbike enables people to comment on cycle parking in their area. People can

  • identify places where cycle parking is needed
  • report existing cycle parking that is damaged or vandalised
  • locate “wheel-benders”, slotted slabs, and other forms of cycle parking that don’t meet modern needs
The site uses Google mapping and lets users mark the location precisely. People can comment on cycle parking both on-highway, in public spaces, and at key destinations such as railway stations, leisure centres, libraries, surgeries, etc.



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Tandem Club

Rough Stuff Fellowship

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Cycling UK East Midlands

image from www.pixabay.com
Leicestershire Road Club
(affiliated to Cycling UK)

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Businesses with products and offers that may be of interest to cyclists.

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Cyclists' Touring

Cyclists' Touring

Soar Valley Cyclists' Touring Club

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Northants Cyclists' Touring Club

CTC Winged Wheel
Cycling UK is a trading name of Cyclists’ Touring Club (CTC) a company limited by guarantee, registered in England no: 25185. Registered as a charity in England and Wales charity no: 1147607 and in Scotland charity no: SC042541. Registered office: Parklands, Railton Road, Guildford, Surrey GU2 9JX.