Leicestershire and Rutland
Cyclists' Touring Club

(founded 1897)

Sulley Rides 100k/70k/50k/30k
Sunday 16th March 2025

This event is held in memory of David and Doreen Sulley, Cyclists' Touring Club members and the originators of the event. The rides are open to all - not just Cycling UK members. 

The start and finish will be at Lutterworth Town Hall, Market St, Lutterworth LE17 4AT, where refreshments will be provided. 

The Control will be open for entries from 09.00 until 11.00. Your ride must be completed by 16.30 when the Control will close.

Toilets are available at the Hall. There is free parking on Sundays just off Station Road very close to the Town Hall. Please don’t use Morrison’s car park.

Click here for map.

You can enter the event at the start. 
Entry fees: £5 and £1 for under 18s (riders of 17 years or under require parental consent).

If possible, please complete an entry form in advance as it saves time on the day.. We suggest you use a downloaded file rather than completing in your web browser. Under 18s will require a parental consent form.  You can bring the entry form with you to the start.

All controls close at 16.30.

Further details from: Robert Sulley, sulleyride@ctclr.org.uk

The routes (shown below) will be as previous years and checked and updated a necessary in early 2025. Please recheck the event details the day before the event for any changes such as cancellation or route changes.

The Sulley Rides - a brief history

by John Allen (2013)

David Sulley was a long serving member of both the Cyclists' Touring Club and the Welland Valley Wheelers. With his wife Doreen they founded the very successful Lutterworth Cyclists' Touring Club section and quickly attracted family groups and solo cyclists including youngsters coming along on their own.

He encouraged them to join the Leicestershire and Rutland D.A. county events so much so that they usually outnumbered members of other sections.

They enjoyed the Birthday Rides, the Vale of the White Horse and other annual get togethers as a section

David was a great ambassador for the world of cycling, despite having a long battle with heart problems - he organised several events to raise funds for the Groby Road Heart Unit.

Sadly David died whilst taking part in a D.A. event on the 2nd April 1989. The first David Sulley Memorial Ride was held in March 1990, starting and finishing in Lutterworth with a route through the countryside that David loved so much. Doreen died in 2012 and it was decided that the ride title should be altered to `The Sulley Challenge Rides` to commemorate the memories of both Doreen and David.

Dennis Heggs organised the popular event for many years, followed by Morgan Reynolds, Dave Grimshaw and Peter Witting.

You can read more about the history of the Sulleys and Lutterworth Cyclists' Touring Club section in " A Century and more of Cycling - Some of the history of the Leicestershire and Rutland Cyclists' Touring Club"

100Km Ride
100 Km gpx file

100Km Route Sheet

Navigation files prepared using www.bikehike.co.uk (into which these routes can be uploaded for checking).

70Km Ride
70 Km gpx file

70Km Route Sheet

Navigation files prepared using www.bikehike.co.uk (into which these routes can be uploaded for checking).

50Km Ride
50 Km gpx file

50Km Route Sheet

Navigation files prepared using www.bikehike.co.uk (into which these routes can be uploaded for checking).

30Km Ride
30 Km gpx file

30Km Route Sheet

Navigation files prepared using www.bikehike.co.uk (into which these routes can be uploaded for checking).


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